Partnering With Preet

The Preet difference is my On Purpose approach. Meaning it addresses each focus area with intention and insight, looking at the lessons before us and what they unlock in your life. On Purpose means mindfully working together and acknowledging that you are unique and that your coaching program needs to be personally (and purposefully) crafted to reflect who you are and what you want.

It means committing to not participating passively but being present and empowered, taking responsibility for your life, and proactively choosing growth.

Working with me is an empowering experience designed to inspire and ignite those ready to change their lives truly. Through coaching exercises and one-to-one conversations, we’ll explore your motivations and what matters to you, unlocking your Purpose with a sense of presence. The work undertaken meets your needs – who you are now and where you want to be.

Two ways for us to work together are Private Coaching and the Online Group Coaching Program. See which option below calls out to you and get in touch for a friendly chat.

Private Coaching: 12 Week Commitment

My one-to-one In-Depth Transformational Coaching Program is customized to your specific needs and the sessions take place via Skype and Zoom, as well as face-to-face if you’re in California. I’m able to coach you wherever you are in the world.

Soul-seeking and deep-reaching, we explore emotional truths, as well as establish life-enhancing touchpoints such as personal desires and career goals. My coaching is designed to show my clients who they truly are – so much of what I do is about listening to your story and understanding your life so that I can adapt the learning to what you need – creating deliverables designed around what you need to know, do and be.

Initially, we’ll have a complimentary exploratory session to connect and find out if you’re ready for coaching.

For you, it’s about getting to know me, after all, there will be a lot of trust in our partnership so it’s important you feel comfortable with your Coach.

For me, it’s about establishing where you’re at in your life and what you need, whilst simultaneously ensuring that you understand the commitment – coaching is not just an investment financially but also an investment in your time and your energy. It’s immersive, enveloping, and all-embracing. It’s all in.

Once we’ve discovered our connection, we’ll get the paperwork out of the way, and map out your sessions with a coaching schedule over the 12-week period. The first session is all about looking at how you show up in your own life, clarifying coaching outcomes, and mapping out the key areas of focus. The following sessions explore career and work-life issues, eliciting core values that are key to aligning actions and behaviors.

Throughout working together we’ll be seeking to establish your goals, promote self-awareness and increase confidence – combining a professional process with a personal approach, resulting in intense and powerful sessions designed to have the greatest impact.

Online Group Coaching: 10 Week Commitment

The Empowered Mind Program has been designed to offer the exclusivity of private coaching combined with the benefits of group coaching; a sense of camaraderie, accountability, and community. With only eight women joining each cohort, this is an online coaching program with a difference. A self-empowering journey designed to take you through seven major life themes, this intimate coaching program initiates deep-level discussions to provoke the thinking that inspires authentic life change.

With a combination of weekly live webinars, worksheets, guided meditations, and two private one-to-one coaching sessions with me, you’ll also receive access to a private group portal providing peer support alongside personal access to me between sessions. As well as this, there will be weekly homework and time built in for me to offer support and feedback on your home study, building accountability and keeping you on track.

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